We recognize the power of collaboration and active community membership to create opportunities for all. We expect to create relationships to help support the University. We will expand communication with outside constituencies to clarify and promote the Lynchburg experience and offerings.
Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the opportunity to reshape the work environment to help employees thrive in this time of change and new possibilities. The faculty and staff at the University of Lynchburg have a strong tradition of individual cooperation and dedication to students. Attention to the campus culture and environment can further strengthen this asset to benefit students.
2.1 Create a culture of University pride that encompasses all University-related areas and increases student engagement on campus and in the greater community.
2.2 Students will demonstrate appropriate knowledge, skills, and dispositions of a liberal arts education to include critical thinking for effective civic engagement in their communities, state, nation, and the world. University value: COMMUNITY
2.3 Identify and reduce the barriers to increase and expand our international student population. University values: COMMUNITY, DIVERSITY
2.3.1 Increase the enrollment of international students.
2.3.2 Expand partnerships for international exchange programs, course sharing, student research projects, etc.
2.4 Develop a robust program of activities and opportunities for training and development to enhance the success of faculty and staff (Lynchburg professional community).
2.4.1 Increase employee awareness of available care support resources as offered through Anthem, EAP, or the Health Consortium. University value: WELLNESS
2.4.2 Create workshops and events for faculty, staff, and students to gain and apply knowledge by creating a personal health and wellness action plan. University value: WELLNESS
2.5 Identify University and division communication gaps and develop strategies to provide the information and/or training needed for faculty and staff to successfully fulfill their position responsibilities.
2.5.1 Review and keep current the public website content.
2.5.2 Enhance internal communication among departments.
2.6 Reinforce the University’s commitment to diversity by developing a campus climate where faculty and staff feel valued and welcome and are respected. University values: COMMUNITY, DIVERSITY, INTEGRITY
2.6.1 Invest in search committee training for all positions.
2.6.2 Address the criteria for Great Colleges to Work For to support faculty and staff morale.