Choosing a major is one of the most important decisions students make during the first half of their academic careers. Here are some simple steps to help you choose a major that’s right for you.
Inform Yourself
See what majors are available at the University of Lynchburg by checking the listing on our website or the catalog. Peruse the list of majors and cross off all that you would not be interested in. Generally, students can cross off 20 to 50% of the listed majors. Using the catalog and the college website, review those majors that might interest you.
Examine yourself
Since choosing a major is a personal decision, it’s helpful to examine your interests and strengths. The Center for Career Engagement Opportunities offers a variety of resources for personal exploration including the STRONG Interest Inventory and the Myers Briggs personality inventory. My Majors is a website that can help you explore majors that fit your high school profile and personality traits and interests.
Interview Others
Speak to faculty and students in majors that interest you.
Ask them questions like the following:
- How did you choose this major? What do you like best about it? What other majors did you consider?
- What personal traits, strengths, or talents are necessary for success in this major?
- Does the University of Lynchburg have any clubs or honor societies for students in this major? May I attend a meeting if I’m not a major to learn more?
- What internships or study abroad opportunities are available for students in this major?
- What career options are available to students in this major?
- What careers have the University of Lynchburg alumni in this major chosen?
- Do people in this major often go on to graduate or professional school? What advantages does that bring?
Speak to other people you respect, like your parents and other relatives, coaches, employers, and high school teachers. Ask them what college majors they considered while in high school, how they chose the major they finally decided on, and how that major has or has not helped them in their careers. You could find some surprises!
Explore the Major/Career Connection
In the liberal arts, not all majors tie directly into a career connection. For instance, a professional major like nursing leads directly to a career as a nurse, but a liberal arts major like English does not lead directly to a single career. Instead, the English major develops skills and abilities that apply to various majors. A variety of responses to the question “What can I do with a major in. . . .?” can be reached via the Exploring Majors and Minors web page. Program Coordinators for each University of Lynchburg major have other resources to help you explore the major/career connection.
Do Online Research
The web is a great place to get more information about majors and careers. In addition to the University of Lynchburg Career Development web page, here are a few sites that can narrow your search: