Center for Water Quality

The Center offers educational, consulting, and management services in Central Virginia and beyond.

Center for Water Quality

The Center offers educational, consulting, and management services in Central Virginia and beyond.

Center for Water Quality

The Center offers educational, consulting, and management services in Central Virginia and beyond.

Get Involved

Internship opportunities are available for a rising junior or senior with experience with basic water quality research and lab equipment, strong organizational and communication skills, and the ability to work independently. We would love to talk with you! 

The Center for Water Quality is located at Beaver Point, along the shores of College Lake. 

Thomas D. Shahady, PhD 
Professor of Environmental Science 
Director of the Center for Water Quality 

Stream Ecology and Management

Stream Ecology is the study of the function and health of stream ecosystems. Management involves the restoration, improvement, monitoring and maintenance of these systems. All stream systems flow through the landscape within a watershed providing water flow either through groundwater or over land as surface water. The amount and quality of water, habitat in the stream including stream bed substrate, woody debris and stream bank condition all relate to the health of the stream and are in equilibrium with the surroundings to create health streams for drinking water supply and recreation. 

Management of these resources first involves quantification of overall water flow and quality. This analysis also includes surrounding land use and potential sources of contaminants, and often take many years to quantify. Once the assessments are complete, prescriptions for management are developed from minimization of pollutant loads to changes in land use and stream channel restoration. Overall goals are to allow reasonable and healthy levels of development while protecting these vital resources. 

University of Lynchburg in partnership with University of Georgia Costa Rica have initiated a program to involve students in water quality investigation and learning opportunities abroad. 

This program allows students to intern on the UGA-CR campus learning about tropical ecology and life in Costa Rica. Each semester a student lives and works with Costa Ricans learning about food supply, water supply and treatment, stream ecology, forest ecology and social life. 

Students complete associated course work, learn Spanish and help throughout the community. The research and coursework is supervised by professors from University of Georgia and University of Lynchburg. Staff and other interns located on UGA-CR work and supervise students in daily life and work in the community. Students also have the opportunity to conduct short (2-3 week) learning opportunities traveling throughout Costa Rica and learning first-hand about the research project. The program provides each student the opportunity to experience Costa Rican culture and the challenges of providing clean, healthy water throughout the world.

Study Abroad 

Students in Costa RicaTravel to Costa Rica to experience diverse ecosystems, immerse yourself into the culture, and gain hands on field experience! 

The study abroad Costa Rica program is a 2-3 week intensive program, designed to introduce students to Environmental Sustainability, Water Quality, and ecosystem diversity throughout Costa Rica, all while experiencing the Costa Rican culture. You would travel with University of Lynchburg and Costa Rica-based instructors, following a prepared itinerary (see example – 2016 itinerary). 

This study abroad program, like others, integrates students from University of Lynchburg into a class-like atmosphere while learning about Costa Rica’s wildlife, water quality issues, and many more topics that are introduced during this trip. While on this trip, the University of Georgia provides University of Lynchburg students housing on their Costa Rica campus and use of the facilities as well as receive daily meals. There is coursework to be completed at the end of the trip, enhancing the learning experience. At the end of the 2-3 week program, it is expected students turn in an assignment related to daily experiences in order to receive credit for the course. This program satisfies both the Environmental Science and Environmental Studies experiential learning component for degree requirements. 

Useful information, including costs 

      • Cost for Costa Rica Trip: Typically student trips average $100 a day, including transportation, food, lodging, and excursions. 
      • Flight: $350-500 Excursions: $20-30 per person depending on number of students 
      • Lodging: $30-40 a night per person, depending on number of students 
      • Food: $5-15 per day — this varies. Some meals are provided and others you must pay for. 
      • Gifts: Varies by each student 
      • Transportation: $100 per day; cost varies depending on number of participating students 
      • Credit hours (3): $1,470 

LC offers a unique experience that allows students to immerse themselves into the Costa Rican community while conducting independent research as the Water Quality intern at the University of Georgia’s Costa Rica campus. 

Not only will the student manage freshwater research in the beautiful Bell-Bird Biological Corridor, they will gain hands-on field experience, working extensively with macroinvertebrates collection and identification, data management, and fellow UGA Costa Rica researchers and interns. 

Previous internship students used the opportunity to further their research, using it towards Honors in their major, as well as thesis defense for Lynchburg’s Westover Program. 

Internship opportunities are available in summer, spring, and fall. Room and board is provided as part of the internship by UGA Costa Rica facilities, making students only financially responsible for tuition to University of Lynchburg and flights to and from Costa Rica. 

Students enroll in independent study courses from University of Lynchburg and can also receive internship credit. Students need a basic understanding of Spanish with a minimum of Spanish 201 at University of Lynchburg, or the equivalent through an AP course or community college courses. This internship opportunity is one of a kind, allowing students with diverse interests and backgrounds to gain experience that could potentially distinguish them from other applicants for employment and graduate school.


In 2012, the Water Quality Center began a multi-year partnership with The University of Georgia Costa Rica to study water quality in three river systems throughout the Bellbird Biological Corridor. 

The venture comprises many goals, not simply aimed at improving the water quality, but also heightening awareness concerning land use, stream monitoring of water pollution and student engagement. The corridor is uniquely positioned along the Pacific Slope incorporating the area of Monteverde Cloud Forest in the headwaters, providing a pristine originating water source for study. 

As water flows down the slope, it encounters various levels of development, farms of differing sizes and scopes, hydroelectric projects, multi-use by citizens, and levels of stream bed alteration. Water quality and quantity changes are striking. This project comprises quantifying how these changes influence water quality, and developing various monitoring techniques to engage students, community members, corridor staff and government officials. 

Blackwater/Ivy Creek Watershed encompasses a significant tributary to the James River (and Chesapeake Bay) with origins in Campbell and Bedford Counties before flowing through the city of Lynchburg and entering the James downtown. The Ivy Creek portion drains primarily farmland and residential development up the the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. 

Development pressure is increasing on this portion of the watershed, particularly in the areas adjacent to Lynchburg City. It flows into Blackwater Creek at the Blackwater Creek Trail Park in the middle of town. The Blackwater Creek system develops from three headwater streams: Burton/Rock Castle, Dreaming and Tomahawk Creeks. These three creek systems face tremendous development pressure and are currently very incised and eroding rapidly delivering high sediment loads to the James River. 

The most significant feature on this system is College Lake. This lake serves as a sediment basis filling rapidly as erosion has become severe. University of Lynchburg in association with Lynchburg City monitors this stream system annually in early April to assess its health and determine management goals and objectives. This information is presented as a written document, powerpoint presentation and data collected.

Environmental Health, Policy, and Sustainability

Staff at the Center for Water Quality also investigates links between environmental exposures in water and health impacts. We are concerned with differing forms of wastewater effluent and how they impact individuals — this includes individual wastewater treatment systems, such as septic tanks, and larger municipal wastewater discharge and storm water. These discharges contain levels of pollutants that are potentially harmful to human health; we are currently investigating these links. 

We’re engaged in the process of strengthening protective laws and commenting at public hearings on local policy matters; and we’re concerned with any pending legislation or existing policy that is not protective enough of our streams, wetlands and lakes. Our intent is to continue to research alternatives and comment on proposals. We remain involved in the continued work to find viable solutions to College Lake and Blackwater/Ivy Creek. 

Our sustainability work involves planting gardens next to the center at Beaver Point to produce sustainable food and teach students sustainable practices. We will continue to work on projects that improve the sustainable use of water including rainwater harvesting for gardens and sustainable systems in use at the center. 

Bacterial water quality is a concerning problem, as contaminated water leads to various forms of illness and potentially more serious and chronic long term problems in communities. We are currently testing both drinking water and recreational areas for bacterial contamination. We use the Colilert testing methodology that correlates fecal coliform and E. coli bacteria with levels of contamination. If you have concerns with your water quality, contact the Center

The Water Quality Center is currently involved in two investigations of water quality and cancer. In Lynchburg Virginia, a portion of the community is serviced by septic systems. Often, these systems are minimally serviced or not serviced at all. This produces effluent exposure in yards and small streams near homes. A study is underway to determine the potential links between this effluent and health. 

Additionally, we are initiating a project to explore the drinking water exposure of residents in portions of Costa Rica and H. pylori infection. Many residents in rural Costa Rica drink untreated water potentially exposing themselves to transfer of this bacterium. We are looking at exposure and water source to determine any links. 

“Relationship Between Cancer and Ecological Integrity” by Dr. Pooja Mehra, University of Virginia Medical School, and Dr. Thomas Shahady, University of Lynchburg (PDF) 

Stormwater Management

Stormwater quality is now a priority in water quality management. 

Controlling and minimizing both sediment and nutrients must be achieved to improve the nation’s waters and meet water quality goals set forth in regulatory schemes mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency and adopted on the state and local levels. 

The Center for Water Quality is engaged in active research and management plans to improve water quality in streams, lakes and wetlands. 

Rain Gardens and Strategic Planning 

Rain gardens and infiltration basins are another tool to improve water quality. The gardens allow creation of basins using rock, waterways and plants to improve infiltration of rainwater into groundwater and beautification of ditches or swales in public areas. 

Rain gardens are designed to mitigate the impervious surface on projects and can be used to receive stormwater credits. All projects are designed to fit into the existing landscape and provide maximum benefit. 

Wetland Creation and Enhancement 

To meet water quality goals and objectives in certain watersheds wetlands can be created. 

Working with students and environmental groups, the Center is actively engaged in the creation, design and implementation of freshwater wetlands. These projects are monitored and used as educational tools. 

Watershed Management

What is Watershed Management? 

      • Assessment of current conditions 
      • Projection of future land use changes 
      • Analysis of potential effects these changes will have on the environmental health of the watershed 
      • Data gathering and analysis 
Watershed Plan 

In accordance with the Chesapeake Bay 2000 Agreement, objectives are defined with recommended measurable activities. The intent is to develop plans and objectives to preserve and conserve areas not yet impacted, to slow degradation of watershed natural resources in urbanizing areas and to lessen the projected impact of continued development. 

A Watershed Plan represents a long term commitment to preserve and protect the natural resources of a watershed. Having a plan is a critical step in protecting the environment by increasing awareness among citizens and building strong partnerships to improve and maintain a healthy environment across political jurisdictions. 

Watershed plans promote and support community-based efforts in preserving natural resources while preserving property rights within the watershed, and promoting watershed awareness, appreciation and active stewardship among residents, community associations and businesses for maintaining a healthy environment. 

The Blackwater Creek Watershed Management Plan is based upon findings of recent comprehensive scientific studies of the environmental health of the Blackwater Creek watershed. This plan will be used as a model for other watershed plans in Central Virginia. 

Blackwater Creek Watershed Management Plan (PDF) 

Blackwater Creek watershed map

Reservoir Water Quality

Reservoirs include any impounded river system, regardless of size. These systems provide opportunities for recreation, swimming, fishing, power generation, flood control, drinking water, and general enjoyment. As water flows into the impoundment, it characteristically changes, stratifying into multiple layers and reflecting the water quality of the surrounding watershed, shoreline and hydrology. Reservoirs are hybrids of both stream and lake systems. Management of these systems first involves studies of vertical and horizontal profiles of water quality. 

Reservoirs metabolize nutrients and contaminants; each portion of the reservoir reflects these processes. Once the processes are understood, various scenarios of management are proposed to reflect the stated goals. Reservoir management encompasses land use throughout the watershed and manipulation of the water body itself

The Blackwater Creek Watershed (H03) has a drainage area of 42,000 acres (170 km2). Three municipal jurisdictions (Lynchburg City and Bedford and Campbell Counties) govern land use throughout this watershed. The portions of the watershed in Lynchburg City are primarily urbanized and managed within the context of the City’s comprehensive plan. Areas of each of the two counties adjacent to Lynchburg City are increasingly becoming more urbanized. This growth is radiating out into the undeveloped portions of the watershed. Blackwater Creek is a major tributary of the James River in Virginia. 

College Lake is a 25-acre reservoir located on the campus of University of Lynchburg within the Blackwater Creek watershed. It is the largest urban lake in Lynchburg. It is located in a critical position, capturing surface waters from multiple sources of the Blackwater Creek watershed just before emptying into the James River. College Lake’s ecosystem is degrading rapidly as it fills with sediment, nutrients, and raw sewage, resulting in the rapid development of watershed and stormwater management problems. 

The effects of these problems are startling. The dam for College Lake was built in 1934. At that time the lake measured 44.5 acres with a maximum depth of 30 feet. Today, the lake has less than 25 acres surface area with an average depth of 7 feet. In areas near the center of the lake, the sediment has accumulated to the point of breaching the surface. Despite the presence of the lake, sediment still makes its way into the Blackwater Creek, which empties into the James River and ultimately into the Chesapeake Bay. 

Water Quality Program 

For many years, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) monitored Leesville Lake water quality either annually or biannually. Beginning in 2006, DEQ placed Leesville Lake on a six-year rotation for water monitoring. However, DEQ collected water quality data in 2009 and 2010. 

In an effort to supplement DEQ water quality monitoring, the Leesville Lake Association (LLA) began a Citizen Water Quality Monitoring Program in April 2007. Citizen volunteers monitored bacteria, Secchi depth, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and conductivity. LLA outlined four goals for the program: 

  • Gain a greater understanding of the lake’s water quality. 
  • Supplement the DEQ water quality monitoring. 
  • Increase the community’s awareness of the importance of water quality. 
  • Inform residents about harmful factors that damage water quality and age the lake. (Lobue, 2010) 

Under the Federal Power Act (FPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy Organization Act, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has the power to approve licenses for up to 50 years for the management of non-federal hydroelectric projects (FERC, 2009, p. ii). The Commission issued the first license for the Smith Mountain Pumped Storage Project to Appalachian Power on April 1, 1960 with a set expiration date of March 31, 2010 (FERC, 2009). 

As part of its relicensing process, Appalachian Power was required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to implement a Shoreline Management Plan (SMP). In July 2005, FERC approved a SMP proposed by Appalachian for the Smith Mountain Project. The purpose of this plan is “to ensure the protection and enhancement of the project’s recreational, environmental, cultural, and scenic resources and the project’s primary function, the production of electricity.” (FERC, 2009, p. 22). The SMP works to preserve green space, wetlands, and wildlife habitats along the shoreline. Property owners may not remove vegetation within the project boundary unless they have received permission from Appalachian Power. 

To renew their license, Appalachian Power Company submitted an application for a new license in March 2008. In August 2009, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Smith Mountain Project relicensing. While reissuing, the Commission reviewed AEP’s methods and proposals for “the protection, mitigation of damage to, and enhancement of fish and wildlife (including related spawning grounds and habitat), the protection of recreational opportunities, and the preservation of other aspects of environmental quality.” In the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), FERC endorsed Appalachian Power’s proposed $25,000 annually to the LLA to support the on-going water quality monitoring program. The Commission approved the new license, effective April 1, 2010. 

FERC recommended a few modifications to Appalachian Power’s Water Quality Monitoring Plan including a proposal to develop a lake water quality monitoring plan. FERC determined that the primary water quality issues for Smith Mountain and Leesville lakes arise from nutrients and bacteria. Rather than coming from the dams’ operations, the nutrients and bacteria come from shoreline development and overall watershed development. In conclusion, FERC recommended: 

  • The continuation of water-quality monitoring for Smith Mountain Lake. 
  • The establishment of a water quality monitoring program for Leesville Lake. 
  • Ensuring the future health of the lakes by monitoring lake quality to verify that any changes in operational strategy at the Smith Mountain project do not harm water quality. 

Property at Wintergreen Resort includes multiple small ponds ranging in size from 2-5 acres. These ponds are located throughout the property and provide excellent aesthetic additions to the neighborhoods and homes in the Stony Creek Subdivision. Ponds capture run-off from nearby Crawford’s Knob and release through various streams into the South Fork of Rockfish River. These ponds provide water quality benefits along with boating and fishing opportunities for WPOA (Wintergreen Property Owners Association). 

Current work involves overall water quality assessment of the ponds, including profiles of key chemical constituents, fish population estimates, and algal and zooplankton productivity. These measures provide baseline conditions used to develop management plans for the ponds. 

Get Involved

We have available positions at the Center for Water Quality for students and researchers with basic water quality skills. The Center features research space, computers, a seminar room, and other facilities. Check out the positions below! 

Reports directly to Center Director. This position fulfills the internship, study abroad, or research degree requirements for science majors. The intern works at the Center for Water Quality on various projects assigned throughout the semester. This job requires managing water quality projects, sampling, data compilation, data analysis, and research. 

The Center for Water Quality has a multitude of projects each semester and the intern is in charge of keeping data and information organized. It is expected the intern communicates well with the Director and other members of the project team. This internship requires a self-motivated, hard- working student who is able to manage a variety of projects. 

  • Experience with basic water quality research and lab equipment 
  • Strong organizational skills 
  • Strong communication skills 
  • Ability to work independently 
Preferred Qualifications 
  • Currently enrolled or completed Freshwater Ecology  ENVS 375 or Wetlands ENVS 365 Courses 
  • Enrolled or Completed Chemistry 111 or equivalent 
  • Research or work experience with water quality 
Additional Information 

Internships require 40 hours of work for each hour of credit.  Thus, a 3-credit hour internship requires 120 hours of work throughout the semester. Given a 14-week semester, this internship requires 8 hours of work each week. The internship is headquartered at Beaver Point and it is required that the student can provide transportation to various work sites either by personal vehicle or becoming properly licensed through the college to operate a college vehicle. 


To apply for this internship please submit the following to the center for Water Quality at 

  1. Current Resume 
  2. Qualification statement addressing the following:
    1. Why do you think you are the best fit for this position? 
    2. What are your educational and professional objectives in this position? 
    3. What particular qualifications make you the ideal candidate? 

Reports directly to Center Director via Skype or other means. The position involves a full semester abroad in Costa Rica. The intern will manage the Water Quality Laboratory located at University of Georgia Costa Rica Campus in San Luis/Monteverde Costa Rica.  This opportunity is available for the Spring, Fall or Summer terms. A minimum of 3 months in required. This position fulfills the internship, study abroad, or research degree requirements for science majors. The intern works and lives at the University of Georgia Costa Rica Campus conducting water quality research on tropical stream systems. 

This research involves the identification and analysis of stream macroinvertebrates and various water chemistry procedures. It also involves any coursework assigned. The student must be willing to live in Costa Rica and be very independent. 

  • Experience with basic water quality research and lab equipment. 
  • Strong organizational and communication skills. 
  • Ability to work independently. 
  • Current Passport. 
Preferred Qualifications 
  • Ability to enroll in Freshwater Ecology – ENVS 375; Wetlands – ENVS 365; ENVS 399 – Internship in Environmental Science or ENVS 238 or ENVS 438 – Research 
  • Completion of SPAN 201, proficiency in written and spoken Spanish 
  • Research or work experience with water quality 
Additional Information 

This position offers a student the chance to live in Costa Rica and experience the culture and biodiversity in the country. This position is also ideal for a student wishing to attend graduate school as it provides international research experience. The student will pay tuition at University of Lynchburg but not room and board as this is covered by the experience. 


To apply for this internship please submit the following to the center for Water Quality at 

  1. Current resume 
  2. Qualification statement addressing the following:
    1. Why do you think you are the best fit for this position? 
    2. What are your educational and professional objectives in this position? 
    3. What particular qualifications make you the ideal candidate? 

Reports directly to Center Director. This position fulfills the internship, study abroad, or research degree requirements for science majors. The researcher works with the center director on projects related to water quality. Each researcher is assigned a workstation at the center and expected to work on a chosen project through publication. This job requires managing water quality projects, sampling, data compilation, data analysis, and research. 

The research position(s) is designed to teach students the process of research and contribute to the overall mission of the center. It is expected the intern communicates well with the Director and other members of the project team. This internship requires a self-motivated, hard-working student who is able to manage a variety of projects. 

  • Research experience in a project related to water quality. 
  • Experience with basic water quality research. 
  • Experience in statistics and project design. 
  • Strong written and organizational skills. 
  • Ability to work independently. 
  • Computer skills to run and use software as assigned. 
Preferred Qualifications 
  • Currently enrolled into ENVS or ENST 238 or 428. 
  • Proposal writing and ability to secure funding for proposals. 
  • Research or work experience with water quality. 
Additional Information 

Research requires 40 hours of work for each hour of credit.  Thus, a 3 credit hour course requires 120 hours of work throughout the semester. Given a 14 week semester, this internship requires 8 hours of work each week. Often, research requires considerably more time so the student must have time to work on the project. These projects are very rewarding for students interested in pursuing graduate school. 


To apply for the research position please submit the following to the center for Water Quality at 

  1. Current Resume and Written Proposal if applicable. 
  2. Qualification statement with the following:
    1. Current research experience and interests. 
    2. Proposal of research. 

Works directly with the Center Director. The Center For Water Quality is seeking collaborations with Faculty on current and future research proposals. These include research in any of the following areas: 

  • Wetland ecology and mitigation 
  • Stormwater BMP’s 
  • Reservoir Limnology 

To inquire about current research and opportunities contact the Center for Water Quality at 

Works directly with Center Director on projects. The Center for Water Quality seeks proposal for water quality related work in the Lynchburg Va area and beyond. These proposals can encompass: 

  • Wetland mitigation 
  • Nutrient credits 
  • Stormwater BMPs 
  • Reservoir limnology 
  • Pond management 
  • Varies depending upon the nature of the proposed work. 

Contact the Center for Water Quality at for more information and to submit a proposal.