Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Take care of your entire musculoskeletal system at our center. Students will work with you to determine a treatment plan, administer joint mobilizations or manual therapy, and educate you on any further care.
Geriatric Physical Therapy
We work with older patients to help restore their mobility and reduce pain caused by arthritis, osteoporosis, hip and joint replacements, or incontinence.
Neurological Physical Therapy
Our students can help people with neurological disorders and conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, brain injury, or cerebral palsy improve their limb responsiveness and increase muscle strength.
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
We can help people with cardiopulmonary conditions and those who recently completed surgical procedures increase their physical endurance and stamina.
Pediatric Physical Therapy
We can treat a variety of conditions that impact the musculoskeletal system in infants and children. Those conditions may include developmental delays, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, or torticollis.
Vestibular Therapy
Vestibular therapy involves treating balance problems that may result from inner ear conditions. Through exercises and manual techniques, we can help patients regain normal balance and coordination.
Decongestive Therapy
We help patients suffering from lymphedema or other conditions drain accumulated fluid through physical therapy.