We offer a number of ways to assess your career goals. You can see what kinds of jobs would fit your personality or what kinds of jobs are similar to your interests.
Interest Inventories
The inventories below can help you in career planning by answering questions like, “How are my interests related to finding a major or career?” “What part do my values play in choosing a career?” “What skills can I bring to a career?” and “What part does my personality play in choosing a career?”
FOCUS 2 combines self-assessment, career and major exploration, decision making, and action planning all in one.
You can take all of the inventories, explore careers, and then review and save your results for as long as you are a student at University of Lynchburg. You may stop at any point while following the steps and go back to it by logging back in under your saved profile.
You also will have the opportunity to meet with career services staff to assist you in interpreting your results and deciding on next steps in making decisions concerning majors or careers.
To access Focus 2, visit www.FocusCareer2.com. Click the ‘Register’ button when first accessing the system.
Your access code: hornet
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) makes Jung’s theory of psychological type understandable and useful. The MBTI can help you understand where your special strengths are and what kinds of work you might enjoy. It gives you insight into how people with different preferences can relate to each other and make successful contributions in the workplace.
To access the MBTI, visit Consulting Psychologists Press (This link may not work from off-campus.)
Go to the CPP link and create a profile in order to take the MBTI.
To receive an analysis of your inventory results, contact the Center for Career Engagement Opportunities at 434.544.8459 and let them know your name and which inventory you took. They will download the results and print an analysis for you.
O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move
Access this interest inventory for free via O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move. It’s a free resource that can assist you in understanding yourself and your preferred working environment.
Career Exploration Websites
- What can I do with a major in…? – from the University of North Carolina Wilmington
- Exploring Occupations – from the University of Manitoba
- Occupational Outlook Handbook (US Department of Labor)
- Personality Preferences Inventory
- Cyber Security