Edward A. Polloway Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching
Established in 2015-16 and named in honor of Edward A. Polloway, former dean of graduate studies, this award is given each year to a member of the graduate teaching faculty. It recognizes a faculty member who exemplifies the quality of the teaching faculty at the University of Lynchburg and the pride taken in that tradition.
Elsie Ervin Bock Award for Excellence in Citizenship
This award is given annually to honor a faculty colleague who exemplifies outstanding service to the University and/or the surrounding community. It was established in 1993 and renamed in 1996 for Elsie E. Bock, the first recipient and a longtime and respected member of the faculty. The award is presented at the Trustees Banquet in May.
Faculty Award for Excellence in Research Mentoring
This award recognizes a full-time faculty member who mentors undergraduate and/or graduate students in research projects in a scholarly discipline. The successful candidate works with students to create a quality product; disseminate it on the local, regional, or national level; and seek peer review, if suitable. The mentor’s collaborative projects with students bring visibility to the University of Lynchburg and have a meaningful impact on the student experience. Faculty members are eligible to win this award once every five years.
James A. Huston Award for Excellence in Scholarship
Established in 1979, this award is named for James A. Huston, a former dean. It is given annually to one or more members of the University of Lynchburg teaching faculty for making noteworthy scholarly contributions to their field(s).
Any full-time faculty member who has not received the award in the last five years is eligible. The award is presented at the Trustees Banquet in May.
Shirley E. Rosser Award for Excellence in Teaching
Established during the 1988-89 academic year, the University of Lynchburg’s top teaching honor is presented each year to a member of the teaching faculty in recognition of personal and inspirational teaching, consistency of course preparation, current study in one’s field, and encouraging students to be active and lifelong learners.
The award is named for Dr. Shirley E. Rosser, a physics professor at Lynchburg for 45 years. A 1940 Lynchburg graduate, he was loved and respected by generations of students and faculty.
To be considered for the Rosser Award, a faculty member must be nominated by a student currently enrolled at the University.
Thomas C. Allen and Heidi Koring Award for Excellence in Academic Advising
This award was established in 2002 to recognize outstanding achievement in student advising. At that time, it was called the University of Lynchburg Award for Excellence in Academic Advising. In 2007, the award was renamed to honor the memory of Thomas C. Allen, an English faculty member and chair and John M. Turner Distinguished Professor in the Humanities. The award was renamed again in 2019 to also honor Heidi Koring, director of academic advising, after 34 years of service.
Any full-time faculty or staff member who has not received the award within the last five years is eligible.