During weekday mornings, each course will emphasize the science portions of the Governor’s School program. Faculty will stress scientific concepts and the ability to do mental calculations, along with the “doing of science” through laboratory and small-group research projects. The culmination of these activities will be a series of colloquia on the final day of the Governor’s School in which each student team will report its results as scientists normally do at professional meetings, emphasizing rigor and clear standards.
In the early part of each afternoon, students will attend a variety of “Second-Chance” courses. These courses provide an opportunity to participate in a course in which participants are interested, but are not enrolled. The courses will be less formal in nature and will range from abbreviated versions of the morning courses to treatments of topics not available in the morning. Their intent is to inform and to generate student discussion of the ideas and/or issues raised. At least one afternoon each week, a visiting scientist will provide a colloquium on topics of current research interest during this time slot.