Affinity groups are encouraged to have a Lynchburg liaison (preferably a student or staff member). Additional information is available by contacting the Office of Alumni Relations at 434.544.8293.
Obtaining Recognition from the University
- Express interest to the Office of Alumni Relations or the chair of the Outreach Committee of the Lynchburg Alumni Board.
- The Office of Alumni Relations will organize a meeting with the chair of the Outreach Committee and representatives from the potential group to discuss the group’s mission and goals. The meeting is organized within 30 days of the initial contact.
- The group must apply by submitting a mission statement, description of potential programs, and a list of potential officers to the Office of Alumni Relations.
- The information is shared with the Office Alumni Relations and the chair of the Outreach Committee. The group will be informed within 60 days of the conclusion of the meeting if the information submitted is sufficient.
- The Alumni Outreach committee shares the submitted information with the Alumni Board for discussion and vote at the board meeting.
- The Alumni Board reviews the submitted information and votes on whether the group will obtain recognition from the University as an affinity group. If a group applies to create an affinity group in the fall, the Alumni Outreach chair will contact the group two weeks after the conclusion of the spring meeting with the status.
Guidelines for Creating an Affinity Group
- All initial planning must include the Office of Alumni Relations for the purpose of guiding and directing the creation of the of the proposed affinity group. Affinity groups must be consistent with the mission and values of the University of Lynchburg.
- Potential affinity groups must belong to one of the following categories:
- Multicultural (e.g., Black Alumni Society, International Alumni Society, Latino Alumni Society)
- Student organization-based (e.g., Student Government Alumni Society, Greek Alumni Society)
- Other constituency group (e.g., Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Alumni Society; Athletics Alumni Society; Business School Alumni Society)
- The affinity group must relate (or have related) or serve as an extension of a University-recognized affinity-based student organization.
- The group must create and abide by its mission statement for its duration.
- The affinity group officers or alumni leadership must be active in their local, geographically based alumni clubs. Active status requires participation in at least one local event per year.
- The affinity group officers or leadership must be consistent donors to the University’s giving priorities or other donor opportunities.
- The affinity group must be supportive and/or offer quality programming and/or fundraising opportunities in support of the University’s mission and current initiatives (e.g., career mentoring and building campaigns).
- The group should nominate an alumnus to seek election to the Lynchburg Alumni Board of Directors (three-year commitment).
- Each year, the group should expect to sponsor or co-sponsor an activity (or volunteer as a group) at Homecoming or another coordinated campus event. (To be discussed/coordinated with the Traditions Committee or Lynchburg faculty and staff).
- The group shall foster a welcoming environment to all Lynchburg alumni who wish to join and participate.
- The group promises to maintain active affinity group status. To remain active, the affinity group must submit a State of the Affinity Group Report to the Office of Alumni Relations by March 1 to ensure it is ready for discussion at the spring Alumni Board meeting. The report should include: current membership demographics/metrics, leadership selection/election results, a list of completed and intended programs spanning a two-year period, and updated points-of-contact information.
- All affinity group events and activities are to be coordinated through the Office of Alumni Relations. Resources, support, and space availability are subject to change based on current University priorities and staffing demands.