Understanding the psychological, emotional, and mental health of students, faculty, and staff in higher education, preK-12, and broader communities is essential to academic, social, and professional success and achievement. The workshop focuses on helping those in attendance build tools to identify and cultivate mental health. Particular attention will be on the ways in which (in)equity and (in)justice shape people’s inside and outside of school experiences. What is essential to building psychological, emotional, and mental health among students, educators, parents, families, staff, and communities? How do we build mindsets and practices that build psychological and mental health?
Presented by the University of Lynchburg and the College of Education, Leadership Studies, and Counseling.
Co-sponsored by the YWCA of Central Virginia.
Persons needing accommodations for disabilities at a University of Lynchburg event should contact the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources at least one week before the event.