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LIFE@Lynchburg: Women in Democracy

Sydnor Performance Hall, Schewel Hall

Speakers: Dr. Cheryl Jorgensen-Earp, Dr. Ghislaine Lewis, Dr. Sabita Manian, and Dr. Nichole Sanders Cost: Semester pass: $85 Annual Membership: $150 Single Event Pass: $12 Sign Up: Pay online through our secure payment portal. Instructions to pay by check. The University of Lynchburg’s LIFE@Lynchburg program offers not-for-credit learning opportunities for community members age 50 and […]

Black History Month Keynote: Rev. Owen C. Cardwell, Jr.

Memorial Ballroom, Hall Campus Center

Rev. Owen C. Cardwell, Jr.'s message "I Am..." is taken from Langston Hughes poem, "I Too Am America!!!" Dr. Cardwell is the Rosel Schewel Distinguished Professor of Education and Director of The Center for Education and Leadership at the University of Lynchburg. He is founder and retired pastor of the New Canaan International Church in […]


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