When I decided to return to University of Lynchburg to pursue my Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction – Instructional Leadership, I felt as if I had returned home. I have rediscovered a solid curriculum that is taught by outstanding professors and enhanced by the opportunity to engage in intellectual discussions with peers in the education field. The knowledge I am acquiring is an invaluable tool that I am applying in my classroom. I am a better teacher, thanks to this course of study.
Rita Rice Hartless ’72, ’10 MEd, English teacher, Amherst County High School
I completed the courses necessary for my elementary PK-6 teaching license through the MEd Curriculum and Instruction – Teacher Licensure Program. As a current student teacher, I realize that the classes provided me with traditional knowledge necessary for teaching as well as insight into the expectations, values, and goals of veteran teachers and administrators. This unique aspect of the program was created through the combination of knowledgeable professors, practical and realistic discussion, and experienced teachers as classmates. The instruction within the program helped me produce a focused, driven, and enthusiastic vision of education!
Somer Hawkins, prospective elementary PK-6 teacher
The Master’s in Education for Curriculum and Instruction – Instructional Leadership Program is an exceptional and unique program. The courses were relevant, rigorous, and motivating. As a current teacher, I appreciate that I could take what we learned in class and actually use it in my classroom. My graduate education has given me tools and confidence to transition into leadership opportunities within my school district.
Erin E. Bromley ’10 MEd, music teacher, Appomattox Elementary School
The Master’s of Curriculum and Instruction – Instructional Leadership Program at University of Lynchburg has been a wonderful experience. Not only does the course work relate directly to my daily experiences as a classroom teacher, it has also inspired me as a new teacher to become a teacher leader in my school, and most importantly, increase the success of my students.
Melanie Zeleny West ’10 MEd, 7th grade science teacher, Forest Middle School