Authors in bold are students.
“Understanding resistant hypertension” (A. Bachinsky, E.L. Jones, T. Thompson, S. DePalma, J. Nicholas, and E. Schmidt). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. Vol. 34(12):15-20. December 2021.
“Screening for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy” (S.C. Pydah, K. Mauck, C. Shultis, J. Rolfs, E. Schmidt, and J. Nicholas). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. Vol. 34(10):23-27. October 2021.
“Triple-Negative Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in a 34-Year-Old Woman” (S.C. Pydah, E. Hernandez, and M. Shaffron). Clinical Advisor. 2021:September/October Issue. September 2021.
“Brain metastasis in a patient with multiple malignancies” (K. Robinson, C. Zerfoss, J. Nicholas, and J. Rolfs). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. 2021;34(2):28-31. February 2021.
“Adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the ambulatory care setting” (A. Hackett, R. Joseph, K. Robinson, J. Welsh, J. Nicholas, and E. Schmidt). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. 2020;33(8):12-16. August 2020.
“Kawasaki disease: Shedding light on a mysterious diagnosis” (J. Galuppo, A. Kowker, J. Rolfs, J. Nicholas, and E. Schmidt). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. 2020;33(7):18-22. July 2020.
“An overview of reactive arthritis” (M. Pennisi, J. Perdue, T. Roulston, J. Nicholas, E. Schmidt, and J. Rolfs). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. 2019;32(7):25-28. July 2019.
“Opioid use disorder during pregnancy: An overview” (L.C. Carter, M.A. Read, L. Read, J.S. Nicholas, and E. Schmidt). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. 2019;32(3):20-24. March 2019.
“Trigger finger: An overview of the treatment options” (A. Mathews, K. Smith, L. Read, J. Nicholas, and E. Schmidt). Journal of the American Academy of PAs. 2019;32(1):17-22. January 2019.