About 160 of the state’s top high school students will be studying the computer as a tool, experimental math, and the science of strength among other topics at the 2010 Governor’s School for Math, Science, and Technology at Lynchburg College.
computer science
Creating a video game
The character on the screen is running up an incline, trying to outrun rising water as he avoids boulders and other obstacles hurtling at him.
“The boulders are too slow,” one student complains, while another starts tinkering with the code to speed it up.
LC receives teaching technology grant
Lynchburg College has received a $20,000 grant from the Verizon Foundation through a program of the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges for enhanced use of technology in K-12 education.
LC is one of five Virginia schools to receive a $20,000 “Teaching with Today’s Technology” grant.