Off-Campus and Commuter Students
September 22, 2014 2025-01-20 13:49Off-Campus and Commuter Students
The University of Lynchburg values on-campus living that exposes students to a variety of meaningful out-of-class learning opportunities. Accordingly, on-campus living is required of undergraduate students, and off-campus living is a privilege earned through progression toward degree completion.
All full-time undergraduate students are required to live on campus at the University of Lynchburg, with the following exceptions:
- Student lives with a parent or legal guardian
- Student is married
- Student is a single parent
- Student is 23 years of age or older
- Student has, or will have, 85+ earned credit hours during the semester for which they are applying and has been approved by the Solutions Center to reside off campus
NOTE: Moving off campus may impact your financial aid. Students are encouraged to contact the Solutions Center to determine the possible financial impact if approved to reside off campus. For international students, there is a possible reduction of your scholarship if approved to reside off campus. International students seeking to reside off campus are encouraged to contact the Office of International Student Support by email at for tips on moving off campus before completing the application.
Application to Reside Off Campus
Students enrolling in undergraduate courses who wish to reside off campus must apply for and receive authorization to do so by the date specified by the Solutions Center. To receive and maintain off-campus residential approval, a student must complete the Application to Reside Off Campus which will be available on the student’s Housing Portal. A student admitted for full-time enrollment cannot acquire off-campus authorization by dropping to part-time status (below 12 credit hours per semester).
Any student seeking an exception to the residential policy will need to complete the Application to Reside Off Campus and will be asked to provide documentation to support their request for an exception. A review committee will convene to consider the application and supporting materials (if provided).
Students who are eligible to commute from home or to reside off campus but elect to reside in University housing may not move off campus during the academic year in which their Residential Living Agreement applies unless they have prior approval from the Solutions Center. If approved, the student will be subject to a housing cancellation fee of $250.
Commuting from a Home Address
Students who live locally with a parent, legal guardian, spouse, or dependent child(ren) may commute from the primary home address.
Students must apply for and receive authorization by completing the Application to Reside Off Campus, which will be available on the Housing Portal during specified periods (as determined by the Solutions Center).
Eligibility for Off-Campus Living
Undergraduate students who will have earned 85 or more credit hours (either at the University of Lynchburg or at another accredited institution) during the semester for which they are applying are eligible to live off campus (i.e not commuting from a parent/guardian address) during the next academic semester, as are undergraduates continuing as second-degree students, non-degree-seeking graduate students continuing their studies immediately after baccalaureate degree completion, and students age 23 and older. Students must apply for and receive authorization.
After a student’s application to reside off campus has been approved, off-campus arrangements must be made directly between the student and the landlord. Although the University advises that careful attention be given to safety and health factors in choosing off-campus housing, it assumes no liability related to these factors.
Conduct at Off-Campus Residences
Students who live off campus are expected to act and maintain off campus residences in ways that positively influence fellow students, the University, and the greater Lynchburg community. Courteous relationships with neighbors, based on respect, good communication, sensitivity to the needs of varying lifestyles, and behaviors that do not infringe on others’ rights, are expected.
While encouraging students who reside off campus to exercise responsible self-regulation, the University retains the authority to address incidents that occur off campus and incidents that are reportedly in violation of the Honor and Student Conduct Codes. Off-campus living is a privilege that may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the University. Students who live off campus are responsible for knowing all applicable University requirements and Lynchburg City ordinances and practices. Violation of University or community requirements may result in revocation of the privilege to live off campus or to live at certain locations and may also result in University disciplinary action.
University Policy and the Law
Students who live off campus are responsible for knowing all applicable University of Lynchburg requirements and city ordinances and practices. Violation of University or community requirements may result in revocation of the privilege to live off campus or to live at certain locations and may also result in University disciplinary action.
Community resources available to neighbors and students include:
- Lynchburg Police Department: 434.847.1602 (non-emergency)
- Community Development Inspections: 434.455.3910
- Health Department: 434.477.5900
- Regional office of the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control: 434.582.5136