- Campus Store, Second floor, Drysdale Student Center
- 434.544.8239
- campusstore@lynchburg.edu
- store.lynchburg.edu
- Regular Hours:
- 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
- 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturdays during fall & spring semesters
- Closed Sundays
- Special Hours: See their website or call
All required and recommended textbooks, and course materials for classes taught at the University of Lynchburg can be purchased online (University username and password required). A link to this website is available at MyLynchburg by clicking “textbooks.” Credit/debit cards can be used for online purchases. Student account charging is also a payment option if using financial aid or scholarships, and if the student’s tuition account is not on hold. Textbooks and course materials shipped to the University will be delivered to the University Mailroom for pick up. Textbooks and course materials are not available for in-store purchase.
Gifts, clothing, school/office supplies, and health and beauty merchandise can be purchased in the Campus Store or online. Payment for in-store purchases may be made by credit/debit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa), personal check, cash, or Apple/Google Pay.
Special products and services are available to the campus community through the Campus Store, including:
- Campus Store e-gift cards
- Online merchandise order/shipment/pick up
- Official University rings
- University Nursing pins
- Graduation cap, gown, and degree hood
- Personalized graduation announcements
- Diploma frames