School of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Counselor Education Handbook
- Supervising Clinical Mental Health Counselors-in-training
- Supervising School Counselors-in-training
- Master of PA Medicine (MPAM) Program Policies
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program Student Handbook
- Nursing major policies
Office of Alumni and External Engagement
Office of Campus Safety and Security
- Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report
- Missing Person Policy
- Security Video Monitoring Policy
Office of Human Resources
- Employee Handbook of Personnel Policies and Procedures (internal employee website)
- Non-Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
- Policy and Procedures on Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence (internal employee website)
Office of Information Technology and Resources
Office of Marketing and Communications
- Brand Guidelines (PDF)
- Logo Usage and Colors
- Social Media Policy
- Style Guide
- University of Lynchburg Lexicon
University Experience and Student Success
- Alcohol and Drug Policies
- Student of Concern Manual
- The Hornet: Student Handbook
- ADA/Section 504 Resolution and Grievance Policy
- Documentation Criteria for Academic Accommodations
University Data, Analytics, and Effectiveness
State Authorization for Distance Programs and NC-SARA
The University of Lynchburg is approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). SARA is a voluntary, collaborative agreement among states that provides quality assurance and consumer protection to distance education students who enroll in distance programs offered by out-of-state institutions.
Contact SARA University liaison Christy Cole, vice president for University data, analytics, and effectiveness (434.544.8656), for more information about the University of Lynchburg’s participation in SARA.