April 10, 2024

University president, SGA officers witness bill-signing ceremony, show support for private higher education

University of Lynchburg President Dr. Alison Morrison-Shetlar and cabinet members of the Student Government Association showed their support for private higher education on Wednesday, April 10, at a bill-signing ceremony with Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin.

University of Lynchburg President Dr. Alison Morrison-Shetlar and cabinet members of the Student Government Association showed their support for private higher education on Wednesday, April 10, at a bill-signing ceremony with Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin.

The purpose of the event, which was hosted by the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance, was to “celebrate legislation passed during the 2024 General Assembly Session to strengthen the commonwealth’s workforce.”

Specifically, it concerned Senate Bill 436, introduced by Republican Senator David Suetterlein, who represents Roanoke and Salem cities and parts of Montgomery and Roanoke counties. Youngkin signed the bill at the event.

The event also included an informational job fair featuring major employers from the area.

Lynchburg students and president with governor
The Lynchburg contingent poses for a photo with Gov. Glenn Youngkin. Pictured (back, left to right) are President Dr. Alison Morrison-Shetlar, Dr. Owen Cardwell, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Marques Armstrong ’25, and Katherine Loza-Saucedo ’25, and (front, left to right) Rhyin Carter ’27, Dai’Dieon Colmore ’27, and Alicia Lawrence ’25.

“As a recent independent study shows, the impact of private higher education on the commonwealth of Virginia and its workforce cannot be ignored,” Morrison-Shetlar said before the event.

“Today’s students, like the ones here today, will one day lead new enterprises, innovate new solutions, and step into the shoes of those who’ve come before to take Virginia to even greater heights.

“And this statewide growth will be, in large part, thanks to the enduring influence of private college and university faculty and staff.”

On hand to witness the bill signing, in addition to the president and Dr. Owen Cardwell, the co-director of Lynchburg’s Center for Education and Leadership, were SGA President Marques Armstrong ’25, Vice President of External Affairs Alicia Lawrence ’25, Director of Finance Katherine Loza-Saucedo ’25, Sophomore Class President Dai’Dieon Colmore ’27, and Sophomore Class VP Rhyin Carter ’27.

Before sitting down at a desk near the podium to sign the bill, Youngkin talked about the legislation and what he hoped to accomplish. Then, in a surprise move, he addressed the college students in attendance and invited them to the front of the room.

Youngkin thanked the students for “choosing to pursue your education in Lynchburg and Virginia” and encouraged them to pursue careers in the commonwealth after graduation. Then, he signed the bill and took time to talk with the students and pose for photos.

Later, Loza-Saucedo described the experience of meeting the governor and seeing him sign a bill “that will make changes in the commonwealth” as “amazing.”

Lawrence and Carter agreed.

“Being invited by Gov. Youngkin to witness a bill signing and to personally meet him was an incredibly surreal and humbling experience,” Lawrence said. “It highlighted the recognition and importance of collaboration between the University of Lynchburg and government entities for making a positive impact in Lynchburg.”

Carter added that it was the first time she had witnessed the signing of legislation. “It was truly memorable,” she said. “The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement as we all witnessed Gov. Youngkin sign the bill.

“I’m proud to say the event showed our importance to our community.”

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